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à propos de AMDIE

Agence Marocaine de Développement des Investissements et des Exportations.

Morocco Now is the brand promoting investment and exportation in Morocco.

Morocco Now initiative is led by AMDIE the Moroccan Agency for Investment and Export Development and reflects the ambition for Morocco to go a step further as a leading investment and export platform.

The determined transformation of Morocco in the past 20 years has delivered a competitive industrial and exportation platform while visionary options in renewable energies and free trade are turning into distinctive assets in the global economy reshaped by COVID.

Morocco Now is the future-proof industrial platform to capture opportunities in a changing world.

Now Sustainable, Now Competitive, Now Well Proven, Now Agile.

Contact et coordonnées

Téléphone Voir le numéro

Site web www.morocconow.com/

Plan d'accès


Mahaj Ryad Center, Bâtiments Business N°
Avenue Attine
10100 Rabat
, Maroc